Results for "Effect"


  • Abbas

    Interests: Analysis of up/dawn-regulation of brain products and its carcinogenic effects on peripheral cells

    2358 days ago



  • Beagle

    ...rithm. Version 4.1 also has several changes to the command line arguments which are described in the release notes. The "ped" argument has no effect in version 4.1. If your data...

    2893 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR2tool

    ...the spectrum of detectable CNVs to off-target events.EXCAVATOR2 can be effectively employed for the identif...WES experiments can be re-analysed using our method with the beneficial effect to identify novelCNVs in extr...

    2859 days ago

  • +3 more Bookmarks


  • Syntax for Secure Copy (scp)

    ...owfish some_file is often suggested that the -C option for compression should also be used to increase speed. The effect of compression, however, will...

    3848 days ago

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  • Genome Stability Laboratory in this process are linked to congenital birth defects in humans such as Down's syndrome.Our laboratory is also interested in understanding the effect of genetic background on muta...

    3127 days ago

