Results for "Quick"


  • How to install Perl modules manually, using CPAN command, and other quick ways

    As a bioinformatics programmer, and crunchy data analyser you need to install several perl modules and dependencies. Installing Perl modules manually by resolving all the dependencies is  tedious and annoying process. Some of the packages like GD is the real pain. However, Installing Perl mo...

    Tags: Perl Modules, Perl, Packages, Yum, Quick, CPAN, BioPerl

    3992 days ago

  • Is there any quick way to replace an existing substring with a new substring in a string?

    I am currently using a s/// regex like this: $str =~ s/$find/$replace/g; Looking for some other quicker way for the same. Thanks

    Tags: Perl, String, Replace, Substring, Quick

    3600 days ago

  • Fancy One-Liner #Perl #OneLiner #Bioinformatics #Quick #Common #Tricks #CommandLine #Terminal

    Tags: Perl, OneLiner, Bioinformatics, Quick, Common, Tricks, CommandLine, Terminal

    3271 days ago

  • A recommended Pdf reader #Pdf #Science #Quick #Easy #UserFriendly

    Tags: Pdf, Science, Quick, Easy, UserFriendly

    3269 days ago

  • Perl Special Vars Quick Reference

    $_ The default or implicit variable. @_ Subroutine parameters. $a$b sort comparison routine variables. @ARGV The command-line args. Regular Expressions $<digit> Regexp parenthetical capture holders. $& Last successful match (degrades perfor...

    Tags: Perl; Special, Vars, Quick, Reference

    2686 days ago

  • Quick next generation sequencing (NGS) terms definition

    fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of longer fragments. The lengths of these fragments are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants, mapping locations of the paired ends span within an i...

    Tags: Quick, NGS, definition, fragment size, concordant reads, discordant reads, split reads, read depth

    2564 days ago

  • Perl basics #Perl #quick

    Tags: Perl, quick

    2546 days ago

  • A quick guide to Phred scaling

    A quick guide to Phred scaling• Phred value = −10 * log10(ε)• Examples:• 90% confidence (10% error rate) = Q10• 99% confidence (1% error rate) = Q20• 99.9% confidence (.1% error rate) = Q30• SAM encoding adds 33 to the value (becauseASCII 33 is the firs...

    Tags: quick, guide, Phred, scaling

    1576 days ago

  • Ten quick tips for deep learning in biology

    By taking a comprehensive and careful approach to deep learning based on critical thinking about research questions, planning to maintain rigor, and discerning how work might have far-reaching consequences with ethical dimensions, the life science community can advance reproducible, interpretable...

    Tags: Ten, quick, tips, deep, learning, biology

    813 days ago

  • Generate a #quick #monkeypox #alignment

    Tags: quick, monkeypox, alignment

    201 days ago