Results for "assembler"


  • RePS: Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding, a WGS sequence assembler

    RePS (Repeat-masked Phrap with scaffolding), a WGS sequence assembler, that explicitly identifies exact kmer repeats from the shotgun data and removes them prior to the assembly. The established software Phrap is used to compute meaningful error probabilities for each base. Clone-end-pairing info...

    Tags: RePS, Repeat, masked, Phrap, scaffolding, WGS, sequence, assembler

    1611 days ago

  • NextDenovo: string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads

    NextDenovo is a string graph-based de novo assembler for TGS long reads. It uses a "correct-then-assemble" strategy similar to canu, but requires significantly less computing resources and storages. After assembly, the per-base error rate is about 97-98%, to further improve single base ...

    Tags: NextDenovo, NextOmics, string, graph-based, de novo, assembler, TGS, LongReads, assembly, long, reads

    1610 days ago

  • Shasta long read assembler

    The goal of the Shasta long read assembler is to rapidly produce accurate assembled sequence using as input DNA reads generated by Oxford Nanopore flow cells. Computational methods used by the Shasta assembler include: Using a run-length representation of the read sequence...

    Tags: Shasta, long, read, genome, assembler, tools, ngs

    1601 days ago

  • Tadpole: an assembler, error-corrector, and read-extender

    Tadpole is a kmer-based assembler, with additional capabilities of error-correcting and extending reads. It does not do any complicated graph analysis or scaffolding, and therefore, is not particularly good for diploid organisms. Tadpole is very conservative and optimized for correctness rat...

    Tags: Tadpole, assembler, error-corrector, read-extender

    1580 days ago

  • HASLR: a hybrid assembler which uses both second and third generation sequencing reads

    HASLR, a hybrid assembler which uses both second and third generation sequencing reads to efficiently generate accurate genome assemblies. Our experiments show that HASLR is not only the fastest assembler but also the one with the lowest number of misassemblies on all the samples compared to othe...

    Tags: HASLR, hybrid, assembler, third, generation, sequencing, reads, illumina, pacbio, ont, assembly, genome

    1490 days ago

  • RNA-Bloom: a fast and memory-efficient de novo transcript sequence assembler

    RNA-Bloom is a fast and memory-efficient de novo transcript sequence assembler. It is designed for the following sequencing data types: single-end/paired-end bulk RNA-seq (strand-specific/agnostic) paired-end single-cell RNA-seq (strand-specific/agnostic) nanopore RNA-seq (PCR...

    Tags: RNA-Bloom, fast, memory-efficient, de novo, transcript, sequence, assembler

    1424 days ago

  • Hifiasm: a haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads

    Hifiasm is a fast haplotype-resolved de novo assembler for PacBio Hifi reads. It can assemble a human genome in several hours and works with the California redwood genome, one of the most complex genomes sequenced so far. Hifiasm can produce primary/alternate assemblies of quality competitive wit...

    Tags: Hifiasm, haplotype-resolved, assembler, accurate, Hifi, reads

    1256 days ago