Results for "reads"


  • CoLoRMap: Correcting Long Reads by Mapping short reads

    Second generation sequencing technologies paved the way to an exceptional increase in the number of sequenced genomes, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic. However, short reads are difficult to assemble and often lead to highly fragmented assemblies. The recent developments in long reads sequencing m...

    Tags: CoLoRMap, Correcting, Long, Reads, Mapping, short, reads, pacbio

    2113 days ago

  • SimLoRD: A read simulator for third generation sequencing reads

    SimLoRD is a read simulator for third generation sequencing reads and is currently focused on the Pacific Biosciences SMRT error model. Reads are simulated from both strands of a provided or randomly generated reference sequence. The reference can be read from a FASTA file or randomly gener...

    Tags: SimLoRD, read, simulator, third, generation, sequencing, reads, Pacific, Biosciences, SMRT, error, model

    2111 days ago

  • LRCstats: a tool for evaluating long reads correction methods

    LRCstats is an open-source pipeline for benchmarking DNA long read correction algorithms for long reads outputted by third generation sequencing technology such as machines produced by Pacific Biosciences. The reads produced by third generation sequencing technology, as the name suggests, are lon...

    Tags: LRCstats, tool, evaluation, long, reads, correction, methods

    2111 days ago

  • LoRMA: A tool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads

    An error correction method that uses long reads only. The method consists of two phases: first, we use an iterative alignment-free correction method based on de Bruijn graphs with increasing length of k-mers, and second, the corrected reads are further polished using long-distance dependenci...

    Tags: LoRMA, tool, correction, sequencing, errors, long, reads, PacBio, SMRT

    2096 days ago

  • P_RNA_scaffolder: a fast and accurate genome scaffolder using paired-end RNA-sequencing reads

    P_RNA_scaffolder is a novel scaffolding tool using Pair-end RNA-seq to scaffold genome fragments. The method is suitable for most genomes. The program could utilize Illumina Paired-end RNA-sequencing reads from target speciesies. Our method provides another practical alternative to existing mate-...

    Tags: P_RNA_scaffolder, fast, accurate, genome, scaffolder, paired-end, RNA, sequencing, reads, scaffold

    2095 days ago

  • Rebaler: program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads.

    Rebaler is a program for conducting reference-based assemblies using long reads. It relies mainly on minimap2 for alignment and Racon for making consensus sequences. I made Rebaler for bacterial genomes (specifically for the task of testing basecallers). It should in pri...

    Tags: Rebaler, program, conducting, reference-based, assemblies, long, reads, ont, pacbio

    2084 days ago

  • PANDASEQ is a program to align Illumina reads, optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence, and reconstruct an overlapping sequence.

    Development packages for zlib and libbz2 are needed, as well as a standard compiler environment. On Ubuntu, this can be installed via: sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool automake zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev pkg-config On MacOS, the Apple Developer tools and Fink (or MacPorts or Brew) must...

    Tags: PANDASEQ, program, align, Illumina, reads, PCR, primers, sequence, reconstruct, overlapping, sequence

    2081 days ago

  • Long read assembly workshop !

    This is a tutorial for a workshop on long-read (PacBio) genome assembly. It demonstrates how to use long PacBio sequencing reads to assemble a bacterial genome, and includes additional steps for circularising, trimming, finding plasmids, and correcting the assembly with short-read Illumina data....

    Tags: longread, ngs, assembly, genome, reads, tutorial

    2068 days ago

  • BASE: a practical de novo assembler for large genomes using long NGS reads

    new de novo assembler called BASE. It enhances the classic seed-extension approach by indexing the reads efficiently to generate adaptive seeds that have high probability to appear uniquely in the genome. Such seeds form the basis for BASE to build extension trees and then to use revers...

    Tags: BASE, practical, de novo, assembler, large, genomes, long, NGS, reads

    2053 days ago

  • Rainbow: an integrated tool for efficient clustering and assembling RAD-seq reads

    Rainbow is developed to provide an ultra-fast and memory-efficient solution to clustering and assembling short reads produced by RAD-seq. First, Rainbow clusters reads using a spaced seed method. Then, Rainbow implements a heterozygote calling like strategy to divide potential groups into haploty...

    Tags: Rainbow, ultra-fast, memory-efficient, solution, clustering, assembling, short, reads, RAD-seq

    2053 days ago