Results for "lineage"


  • List of motif discovery tools !

    ...teins Automatically identify spatially interacting motifs among distantly related proteins sharing similar folds and possessing common ancestral lineage....

    2139 days ago

  • Explore taxdump files !

    ...) -- 1 if node inherits mitochondrial gencode from parent GenBank hidden flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if name is suppressed in GenBank entry lineage hidden subtree root flag (...

    1694 days ago

  • +3 more Blogs


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  • Gupta Lab

    ...anisms; (ii) Understanding the cellular functions of these lineage-specific signature proteins as well as lineage-specific conserved inserts an...ature proteins and conserved indels; (iv) The use of these lineage-specific probes with predicit...

    2100 days ago


  • Parse the NCBI taxonomy database with Perl !

    ..._taxon = $dbh->ancestor($nam); #print $ancestor_taxon; use Bio::Tree::Tree; my $tree_functions = Bio::Tree::Tree->new(); my @lineage = $tree_functions->get_lineage_nodes($nam); my $lineage = $...

    1319 days ago
