Results for "map"


  • Ram Yash Pal

    About me: ...yCodeIgniterWordpressWoocommerce.Stripe API integrationPaypal IntegrationPoli payment integrationE-Commerce Google Tag ManagerAPI integrationGoogle Map integrationFacebook API integ...

    2343 days ago




  • Download blasr 1.3 version sort -@ 20 -no - temporarySam > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.bamMapping long-reads using blasr......_ctg.fa | cut -d ' ' -f1-5,7-12 | sed 's/ /\t/g' > FALCON-Unzip-Scaff.mapsh: 1: /home/urbe/Tools/SSpace...

    2297 days ago


  • Bioinformatics Articles links

    ...bsp;By Terence Chea, Washington Post , March 14, 2002. Genome map on a grain of rice By Kr...isa Gill,NewsFactor Network , Oct. 24, 2002. The international 'HapMap' project

    4067 days ago

  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...ned aiming at handling complex genomes. RMAP 2.1 – Short-read MappingRMAP is aimed to map...The package contains programs that support mapping of reads to a reference g...ually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that supports SAM format....

    2832 days ago

  • +4 more Pages

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Wire posts

  • To check: Does an array has all equal values. if (keys %{{ map {$_, 1} @test }} == 1) { # all equal } #Tipsoftheday #Perl

    4062 days ago

  • Mercator that constructs orthology maps between multiple whole genomes #Synteny #Orthology #Map #Construction #Alignment

    3687 days ago

  • +4 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

  • RA at IISR Kozhikode

    ...of raw reads. 3. Assembling the raw reads-de novo as well as reference mapping. 4. Compression of align...l expression testing involving Normalization, Statistical testing, heat map generation & hierarchical...

    3789 days ago

  • Visiting Scientist - Computational Genomics Analyze large-scale genomic datasets generated internally and through collaboration with others Genome wide analysis- LD analysis, hapmap, genetic map construction and qtl mapping...

    2630 days ago


  • A 3D Map of the Human Genome

    Suhas Rao and Miriam Huntley (of the Aiden Lab) describe a 3D map of the human genome at kilobase resoluti...achol, Arina D. Omer, Eric S. Lander, Erez Lieberman Aiden. (2014). A 3D Map of the Human Genome at Kiloba...

    3577 days ago


