Results for "project"


  • Earth BioGenome Project

    The central goal of the Earth BioGenome Project is to understand the evolution and organization of life on our planet by sequencing and functionally annotating the genomes of 1.5 million known species of eukaryotes, a massive group that includes plants, animals, fungi and other organisms whose ce...

    Tags: Earth, BioGenome, Project, Genome, Sequencing

    2246 days ago

  • SIMBA: a Genome Assembly Project Management System

    SIMBA, SImple Manager for Bacterial Assemblies, is a Web interface for managing assembly projects of bacterial genomes. SIMBA was created to assist bioinformaticians to assemble bacterial genomes sequenced with NextGeneration Sequencing (NGS) platforms quickly, easily and effectively. SIMBA also ...

    Tags: SIMBA, Genome, Assembly, Project, Management, System

    2028 days ago

  • Walkin for National Genomics Core project at CDFD, Hyderabad #Genomics #Hyderabad #WalkIn #Project #cdfd #NGC #India

    Tags: Genomics, Hyderabad, WalkIn, Project, cdfd, NGC, India

    1611 days ago

  • Project Associate-I | Project Associate-II | Senior Project Associate @ IGIB

    Experience in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) application and interest in Genomics/ Clinical / Translational Applications. OR Good computational programming skills and deep interest in working on interface of Genomics and Clinical application. Project Scientist-I Experimental / Computation...

    Tags: Project, Associate-I, Project Associate-II, Senior, Project, Associate, IGIB, genomics, AI, ML, NGS, Scientist, Vinod

    1048 days ago

  • Bioinformatics walkIn at IRVI #IRVI #WalkIn #Project

    Tags: IRVI, WalkIn, Project

    1218 days ago

  • Simons Genome Diversity Project

    Complete genome sequences from more than one hundred diverse human populations All genomes in the dataset were sequenced to at least 30x coverage using Illumina technology. The sequencing reads were mapped and genotyped using a customized procedure that was optimized for population genetic analy...

    Tags: Simons, Genome, Diversity, Project

    1137 days ago

  • Reference Sequence Resource!

    The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse (mm9/mm10) genomes for historical comparability...

    Tags: ENCODE, Project, Genome, Reference, Data, Ftp, Download, Human

    1007 days ago

  • Senior Bioinformatician (Assembly) Moore Aquatic Symbiosis Project Tree of Life

    You will have some previous experience with genome bioinformatics or other large scale scientific data analysis, or a newly qualified graduate student with data science skills interested in DNA sequence data. While desirable, previous experience with DNA sequencing data is not strictly necessary ...

    Tags: Senior, Bioinformatician, Assembly, Moore, Aquatic, Symbiosis, Project, Tree, Life

    991 days ago

  • Kubeflow: an open, community driven project to make it easy to deploy and manage an ML stack on Kubernetes

    The Kubeflow project is dedicated to making deployments of machine learning (ML) workflows on Kubernetes simple, portable and scalable. Our goal is not to recreate other services, but to provide a straightforward way to deploy best-of-breed open-source systems for ML to diverse infrastructures. A...

    Tags: Kubeflow, open, community, driven, project, easy, deploy, manage, ML, stack, Kubernetes

    2041 days ago

  • genoPlotR - plot gene and genome maps project!

    genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files. Features Linear representation of several segments of DNA Comp...

    Tags: genoPlotR, plot, gene, genome, maps, project, R

    2015 days ago