Results for "Genome"


  • Selfish genetic elements #genetics #selfish #genome

    Tags: genetics, selfish, genome

    2027 days ago

  • Merqury: reference-free quality and phasing assessment for genome assemblies

    Often, genome assembly projects have illumina whole genome sequencing reads available for the assembled individual. The k-mer spectrum of this read set can be used for independently evaluating assembly quality without the need of a high quality reference. Merqury provides a set of tools for this ...

    Tags: Merqury, reference-free, quality, phasing, assessment, genome, assemblies

    1471 days ago

  • Genobuntu: A software package containing more than 70 software and packages oriented towards NGS and genome assembly

    Genobuntu is a software package containing more than 70 software and packages oriented towards NGS. In its current version, Genobuntu supports pre assembly tools, genome assemblers as well as post assembly tools. Commonly used biological software and example script files for different assemb...

    Tags: Genobuntu, software, package, packages, oriented, NGS, assembly, genome

    2014 days ago

  • How to estimate the heterozygosity ?

    I am working on a new genome, and wondering about prediction methods for heterozygosity in the genome. Any tools suggestions and helps are welcome. 

    Tags: heterozygosity, estimate, genome, reads

    2014 days ago

  • genoPlotR - plot gene and genome maps project!

    genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files. Features Linear representation of several segments of DNA Comp...

    Tags: genoPlotR, plot, gene, genome, maps, project, R

    2013 days ago

  • #Search a #genome sequence for secondary #metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters!/start

    Tags: Search, genome, metabolite

    2012 days ago

  • Purge Haplotigs: Pipeline to help with curating heterozygous diploid genome assemblies

    Some parts of a genome may have a very high degree of heterozygosity. This causes contigs for both haplotypes of that part of the genome to be assembled as separate primary contigs, rather than as a contig and an associated haplotig. This can be an issue for downstream analysis whether you're wor...

    Tags: Purge, Haplotigs, Pipeline, curate, heterozygous, diploid, genome, assemblies

    2008 days ago

  • ARCS: scaffolding genome drafts with linked reads

    ARCS requires two input files: Draft assembly fasta file Interleaved linked reads file (Barcode sequence expected in the BX tag of the read header or in the form "@readname_barcode" ; Run Long Ranger basic on raw chromium reads to produce this interleaved file)

    Tags: ARCS, scaffolding, genome, drafts, linked, reads

    2007 days ago

  • Versatile genome assembly evaluation with QUAST-LG

    QUAST-LG is an extension of QUAST intended for evaluating large-scale genome assemblies (up to mammalian-size). QUAST-LG is included in the QUAST  package starting from version 5.0.0 (download the latest release). Run QUAST as usual and do not forget to add ‐‐large ...

    Tags: Versatile, genome, assembly, evaluation, QUAST-LG

    2003 days ago

  • TIGER: tiled iterative genome assembler #genome #assembly #tool

    Tags: genome, assembly, tool

    1995 days ago