Results for "reads"


  • Steps to find palindrome in genomes !

    Palindromes are sequences of nucleotides that read the same backward as forward. They can be present in genomes and have various biological functions. Here are some methods for discovering palindromes in genomes: Direct sequence search: One of the simplest ways to discove...

    Tags: Palindromes, sequences, nucleotides, reads, backward, forward, methods, steps

    450 days ago

  • MitoHiFi: a python pipeline for mitochondrial genome assembly from PacBio high fidelity reads

    MitoHiFi v3.2 is a python pipeline distributed under MIT License ! MitoHiFi was first developed to assemble the mitogenomes for a wide range of species in the Darwin Tree of Life Project (DToL) 

    Tags: MitoHiFi, python, pipeline, mitochondrial, genome, assembly, PacBio, fidelity, reads

    270 days ago

  • Assemble short reads #Tutorial #ABySS #Bacteria #Reads #Assembly #Genomics #NGS

    Tags: Tutorial, ABySS, Bacteria, Reads, Assembly, Genomics, NGS

    3648 days ago

  • Reference-free Prediction of Rearrangement Breakpoint Reads #Reference #Breakpoint #Reads #Rearrangement

    Tags: Reference, Breakpoint, Reads, Rearrangement

    3547 days ago

  • Stacks

    Stacks is a software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences, such as those generated on the Illumina platform. Stacks was developed to work with restriction enzyme-based data, such as RAD-seq, for the purpose of building genetic maps and conducting population genomics and phylogeogr...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Reads, RAD-Seq, NGS

    3020 days ago

  • RACA: Reference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly

    Rreference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly (RACA), an algorithm to reliably order and orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal fragments using comparative genome information and paired-end reads. http://bioen-comp...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Assembly, Reference, RACA, Reads

    2978 days ago

  • Trimmomatic: A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data

    Paired End: java -jar trimmomatic-0.35.jar PE -phred33 input_forward.fq.gz input_reverse.fq.gz output_forward_paired.fq.gz output_forward_unpaired.fq.gz output_reverse_paired.fq.gz output_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:15 MINLEN:36 ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Trim, NGS, Illumina, Reads, Trimmomatic

    2969 days ago

  • SPAdes

    SPAdes – St. Petersburg genome assembler – is intended for both standard isolates and single-cell MDA bacteria assemblies. This manual will help you to install and run SPAdes. SPAdes version 3.7.1 was released under GPLv2 on March 8, 2016 and can be downloaded from http://bioinf.spbau...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, NGS, Assembly, Assembler, SPAdes, Reads, Illumina

    2965 days ago

  • ALE: a Generic Assembly Likelihood Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Accuracy of Genome and Metagenome Assemblies

    Assembly Likelihood Evaluation (ALE) framework that overcomes these limitations, systematically evaluating the accuracy of an assembly in a reference-independent manner using rigorous statistical methods. This framework is comprehensive, and integrates read quality, mate pair orientation and inse...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, FASTQ, NGS, ALE, Framework, Stats, Reads, Evaluation, Quality, Assembly

    2958 days ago

  • mrFAST: Micro Read Fast Alignment Search Tool

    mrFAST is a read mapper that is designed to map short reads to reference genome with a special emphasis on the discovery of structural variation and segmental duplications. mrFAST maps short reads with respect to user defined error threshold, including indels up to 4+4 bp. This manual, describes ...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, FASTQ, Reads, NGS, Mapping, Alignment, Reference

    2958 days ago