Results for "Awk"


  • Awk


    Awk is widely used these days for extraction and manipulation of large scale biological data in Unix/Linux.Most of the awk code is single liner. Useful Weblinks:

    Tags: awk, gawk, nawk, sed, data, sequencing, one liner

    3912 days ago

  • Print all the values beetween a pattern "abc" > awk '/abc/{flag=1;next}/mno/{flag=0}flag' file #awk #print #range #pattern

    Tags: awk, print, range, pattern

    3002 days ago

  • Rename/number the multi-fasta file in ascending order. $ awk '/^>/{print ">" ++i; next}{print}' < Mix_assembly.fasta > Mix_assembly2.fasta #awk #oneliner

    Tags: awk, oneliner

    2532 days ago

  • Replace space with tab. $ awk -v OFS="\t" '$1=$1' file1 #tab #space #replace #awk

    Tags: tab, space, replace, awk

    2455 days ago

  • Remove duplicated lines from text file. $ awk '!seen[$0]++' allIds #duplicate #lines #remove #awk

    Tags: duplicate, lines, remove, awk

    2453 days ago

  • Converting FASTQ to FASTA

    There are several ways you can convert fastq to fasta sequences. Some methods are listed below. Using SED sed can be used to selectively print the desired lines from a file, so if you print the first and 2rd line of every 4 lines, you get the sequence header and sequence need...

    Tags: fasta, fastq, convert, sed, awk, seqtk, bioawk, fastx, Emboss, fastq2fasta

    2298 days ago

  • Multiline to singleline covert. $ awk '/^>/ {printf("%s%s\t",(N>0?"\n":""),$0);N++;next;} {printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' < input.fa #Multi #Single #Convert #awk

    Tags: Multi, Single, Convert, awk

    1616 days ago

  • Extract the underscore separated values. $ awk '{split($0,a,"_"); print a[1]"_"a[2]}' aaa.txt | sort | uniq -u > all_ids_sm.txt #awk #bash #underscore #list

    Tags: awk, bash, underscore, list

    1484 days ago

  • Run bash script in Perl program !

    BioPerl is a compilation of Perl modules that can be used to build bioinformatics-related Perl scripts. It is used, for example, in the development of source codes, standalone software/tools, and algorithms in bioinformatics programmes. Different modules are easy to instal and include, making it ...

    Tags: Perl, Bash, Script, awk, Module

    630 days ago