Results for "BLAST Parser"


  • Install Perl Locally !

    # To follow these instructions, we'll assume your system admins have already install.../bin/perl - --notest -l $PERL_BASE/perl-5.24.1 App::cpanminus JSON::Parse XML::Parser XML::Simple LWP LWP::Simple L...

    2137 days ago

  • Install BLAST in Ubuntu/Linux and Window !

    #On ubuntu sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+ #Ubuntu Conda installation conda install -c bioconda blast #Windows installation Fir...Download

    1140 days ago

  • Blast result parser with Perl and Bioperl

    #!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Dr. Xiaodong Bai # It may be freely distributed...License. # This script will parse a NCBI blastx output file and output the top N hits of each blast search result. # For each hi...its,$outfile) = @ARGV; print "Parsing the BLAST...

    2907 days ago

  • Blast script to index and extract sequence !!

    # look at the file $ head EC4115.fa >NC_011353.1 Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. E...CGCACAGACAGATAAAAATTACAGAGTAC # generate the blast database $ makeblastdb -dbtype nucl -out EC -in EC...AACCAATATAGGCATAGCGCACAGAC .... # query the blast...

    2845 days ago

  • BASH script for SelfBLAST a genome

    #!/bin/bash #self BLAST a genome -- Expecting you have blast and samtools installed in your sys...r: Jitendra Narayan #USAGE: ./ extract #USAGE: ./selfBl...if [ -f $MYDB.nhr ] then echo "BLAST database for MergedContigs.fa...echo "You want entire sequence to blast"...

    2645 days ago

  • Fill up the form and blast with perl

    use WWW::Mechanize; use strict; use warnings; my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; my...TATTATA'; $mech->get(''); $mech->submit_form( => 'myForm', fields => { 'Algorithm' => 'blastx...

    2318 days ago

  • Installing Busco version 4.0.6

    (base) jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT: conda install -c bioconda -c conda-forge busco=4.0.6 Co...| py37h516909a_0 2.6 MB conda-forge blast-2.2.31 |...da-forge/linux-64::biopython-1.76-py37h516909a_0 blast...

    1446 days ago

  • Installing pb-assembly on Linux !

    ...libXt/1.1.5-foss-2016a BLAST+/2.3.0-foss-2016a-Python-2.7....XML-Parser/2.41-goolf-1.4.10-Perl-5.16.3...XML-Parser/2.44_01-foss-2016b-Perl-5.24....py27_1000 conda-forge pycparser 2.19...

    2027 days ago

  • Install blast locally

    Download page / Debian sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+ CentOS # download latest...get

    1755 days ago

  • Setting up autoConTAMPR !

    (base) jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downloads/testDock$ docker build -t autocontampr . Sending build context to Docker daemon 9.024MB Step 1/16 : FROM ubuntu:14.04 ---...

    1435 days ago