Results for "Calculated"



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  • Oldest Hominin DNA Sequenced

    ...mitochondrial DNA with Neandertals, Denisovans, present-day humans, and apes.From the missing mutations in the old DNA sequences the researchers calculated that the Sima hominin lived a...

    3836 days ago


  • Ensembl Variation - Calculated variant consequences

    For each variant that is mapped to the reference genome, we identify all overlapping Ensembl transcripts. We then use a rule-based approach to predict the effects that each allele of the variant may have on each transcript. The set of consequence terms, defined by the Sequence Ontology ...

    Tags: Ensembl, Variation, Calculated, variant, consequences, Variant, Effect, Predictor

    2119 days ago


  • Comment on "A quick guide to Phred scaling"

    ...Quality score calculation: The Phred score for each base call is calculated as follows: Q = -10 * log10( indicate greater confidence in the base call. The Phred scores are calculated based on the probability of a...

    469 days ago