Results for "Mistakes"



  • Perl6

    ...programming language is now published! Besides online browsing and searching, you can also view everything in one file or contribute by reporting mistakes or sending patches. Langua...

    2641 days ago


Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • The Upside of Failure: How Regional Student Groups Learn from Their Mistakes #Learn #Mistake #ISCB

    3529 days ago

  • 12 new chapters and 365 opportunities to do things right, correct your mistakes, go after your dreams. Happy New Year 2020 #BOLover #2020 #HappyNewYear

    1577 days ago

ResearchLabs posts

  • SIMON BOULTON LAB ‘repair kits’ that spot DNA damage and patch it up, helping to protect us against tumours. If these repair kits are faulty or inefficient then mistakes can quickly build up and caus...

    1965 days ago



  • The 5 reasons to mistakes at bioinformatics work !!!

    When you're just starting out with biological programming, it's easy to run into complex problems that make you wonder how anyone has ever managed to write a program. There are some problems that trip up nearly every bioinformatician--everything from getting started understanding the biological p...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Mistakes, Rules, Deadline, Reasons

    2099 days ago