Results for "PacBio"




  • Spades tutorial PDF

    .... With time, the functionality of SPAdes was extended to enable assembly of IonTorrent data, as well as hybrid assembly from short and long reads (PacBio and Oxford Nanopore). In this...

    963 days ago


  • Genome Assembly Tools and Software - PART2 !!

    ...uence assembler for Sanger, 454, Solexa (Illumina), IonTorrent data and PacBio (the later at the moment only...em under the minimum-error-correction (MEC) model. PBSIM 1.0.3 – PacBio Reads SimulatorPacBio sequenc...

    2824 days ago

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • Live webinar on long reads! #PacBio #LongReads #NGS #Omics #Seq

    3741 days ago

  • Pacbio pipeline #Pacbio #Reads #Pipeline

    2746 days ago

  • +13 more Wire posts


  • Phased Human Genome Assembly ! publicly available assembly (PacBio HG00733) has the fewest...contigs that were assembled with PacBio data generated with the compa...the assembly are included on the PacBio blog. The data are available...More details are available on the PacBio website: Blog post: D...

    2174 days ago



  • Plot dotplot with last !

    # generate dotplot lastdb test/ref.fa lastal -f TAB test/ref.fa test/contigs.reduced.pacbio.fa | last-dotplot - test/contigs.reduced.pacbio.fa.ref.png lastal -f TAB test/ref.fa test/contigs.reduced.nanopore.fa | last-dotplot - test/contigs.reduced.nanopore.fa.ref.png

    2390 days ago

  • Long reads mapper bash script !

    ...== "ont" ]; then $lamsaLoc aln -t $thread -T ont2d $refFasta $longReads > $fileName.out.sam elif [ $readsType == "pacbio" ]; then $lamsaLoc aln -t $thread -T pacbio $refFasta $longReads > $fileN...

    2261 days ago

  • +5 more Bio-Scripts


  • Single molecule Sequencing (SMS)

    Single molecule Sequencing (SMS) keen to use SMS method to sequence molecules in comparatively less complex protocal and less time. One of most successful so far is SMRT from Pacbio and others will be flood the...

    3366 days ago
