Results for "Racon"



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  • My commonly used commands in Bioinformatics MUMmer to extract the specific changes that Racon makes, so I can evaluate -t 24 assembly.fasta long_reads.fastq.gz | racon -t 24 long_reads.fastq.gz - a...ssembly.fasta nucmer -p nucmer assembly.fasta racon_assembly.fasta show-snps -C...

    2124 days ago


  • Minipolish: A tool for Racon polishing of miniasm assemblies

    Miniasm is a great long-read assembly tool: straight-forward, effective and very fast. However, it does not include a polishing step, so its assemblies have a high error rate – they are essentially made of stitched-together pieces of long reads. Racon is a great polishing tool th...

    Tags: Minipolish, tool, Racon, polishing, miniasm, assemblies

    1629 days ago
