Results for "Sensitivity"




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  • LSC :a long read error correction tool

    Getting Started These simple steps will help you integrate LSC into your transcriptomics analysis pipeline. Read the LSC_requirements for running LSC. Download and set-up the LSC package. Follow the tutorial to see how LSC works on some example data. Read the ...

    Tags: LSC, long, read, error, correction, tool, fast, correction, sensitivity, good, accuracy

    2249 days ago

  • Darwin-WGA: A Co-processor Provides Increased Sensitivity in Whole Genome Alignments with High Speedup

    Darwin-WGA, is the first hardware accelerator for whole genome alignment and accelerates the gapped filtering stage. Darwin-WGA also employs GACT-X, a novel algorithm used in the extension stage to align arbitrarily long genome sequences using a small on-chip memory, that provides better quality ...

    Tags: Darwin-WGA, Co-processor, Increased, Sensitivity, Whole, Genome, Alignments, High, Speedup

    1995 days ago
