Results for "System Biology"


  • Basic docker commands !

    jit@jit-HP-Pro-3335-MT:~/Downloads/testDock$ sudo docker system df TYPE TOTAL...~/Downloads/testDock$ sudo docker system prune WARNING! This will rem...~/Downloads/testDock$ sudo docker system df TYPE TOTAL.../autoConTAMPR/issues Operating system:...

    1503 days ago

  • Install and set up i-adhore for synteny and wgd analysis ! -- step by step --

    #Need to download i-adhore-3.0.01.tar.gz from https://wdiceryfd4rjn74bjhhtz2k5di--bioi...cpp:306:11: warning: ignoring return value of ‘int system(const char*)’, declared with...tribute warn_unused_result [-Wunused-result] system(...

    1197 days ago

  • Perl script to check perl modules and download NCBI, BUSCO, Taonomy, Silva databases !

    use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::Installed; use LWP::Simple; use Archive::Ex...ll the required modules have been installed in the system and download the mandatory da...ult); #do your magic here sub parseResult { system...

    1154 days ago

  • Write bash in perl script !

    #use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::Installed; use LWP::Simple; use Archive::Extract; # # First, check if all the required modules have been installed in the system...

    1152 days ago

  • Perl script to check modules installed !

    #use strict; use warnings; use ExtUtils::Installed; # # First, check if all the required modules have been installed in the system...

    1149 days ago

  • Install Nexflow on Linux !

    # Make sure that Java v8+ is installed: java -version # Install Nextflow curl -fsSL | bash # Add Nextflow binary to your PATH: mv nextflow ~/bin/ # OR system-wide installation: # sudo mv nextflow /usr/local/bin

    957 days ago

  • Get the Linux system information !

    #!/bin/bash # while-menu-dialog: a menu driven system information program DIALOG_CANC...ction=$(dialog \ --backtitle "System Information" \ --title "...EIGHT $WIDTH 4 \ "1" "Display System Information" \ "2" "Disp...E"; uptime) display_result "System...

    942 days ago

  • Install R in Ubuntu / Linux !

    #R is a feature rich interpretive programming language originally released in 1995. It is heavily used in the bioin...nstallation with --with-x=no which tells R to install without X11, a windowing system...

    817 days ago

  • R script for Circos plot !

    #!/usr/bin/env Rscript library(RCircos) # usage: Rscript make_circos.r # parse args args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE) sv.file

    293 days ago