Results for "human cell atlas"

ResearchLabs posts

  • Nedelec Lab

    Location :European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germa...and microtubule organization in living cells, with an emphasis on mitosis...ytosim, a computer simulation to study cellular architecture from a in Systems Biology, and involved in Cell...

    3942 days ago

  • Papenfuss Lab

    The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in huma...and have accelerated the development of understanding in human...

    3941 days ago

  • The Laboratoire de genomique fonctionelle

    One persistent challenge of post genome biology remains the determination of the functions...ersity and developmental regulation. It is now believed that AS occurs in up to 74% of human...

    3941 days ago

  • Donnelly Centre of Cellular & Biomolecular Research (CCBR), Bader Lab

    We study the organization and evolution of biological systems using computational biol...h as specific molecular interactions, in eukaryotic cell signaling systems using compr...dicting biologically relevant protein interactions Cellu...

    3941 days ago

  • Ron Milo Lab

    This research group brings the tools of systems biology to bear on the grand challenge...and I are passionate about trying to understand the cellular highways of energy and ca...accurate, accessible and collaborative quantitative cell...

    3902 days ago

  • MAB Lab

    Seamless integration of a series of biological processes finally manifests as what we perceive as "Life". In or...n insights about life and its manifestations in different forms (from single cell to multicellu...

    3878 days ago

  • The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) Genomics Lab , Toronto, Canada.

    The Human Genome Project led to the development of a wide array of technologies to screen the genome and its products (genes, proteins, metabolites) and molecules that...

    3913 days ago

  • Nataša Pržulj Lab

    Nataša Pržulj Lab's research involves applications of graph theory, mathematical modeling, and computational techn...etical solutions to practical problems in many areas of systems biology, planar cell...

    3894 days ago


    Genome sequencing projects have enormous potential for benefiting human endeavors. However,...

    3878 days ago

  • Vvek's Lab

    Broad Area of Research: RNA biology (microRNA, lncRNA), Stem cells, Functional genomics, Epigenomics and Cancer RNAs, especially non-c...ation, gene silencing, and also implicated in disease progression, stem cell...

    3867 days ago