Results for "sample"





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Wire posts

  • Creates 100 random DNA sequences with 20 residues. sapply(1:100, function(x) paste(sample(c("A","T","G","C"), 20, replace=T), collapse="")) #R #Random #Sequence #DNA #Script

    3771 days ago

  • Job-search and other career-related SAMPLE letters #Sample #Letter #Study #PostDoc #PhD #Jobs

    3536 days ago

  • +3 more Wire posts


  • Sorghum genome Sequenced!!

    ...ond to these challenges by identifying a large high-quality SNP and indel data set in diverse sorghum genotypes. In addition to providing a broad sample of the diversity in S. bicolo...

    4044 days ago

  • The genome factory !!!

    ...d give us the ability to analyze complete genomic information from huge sample populations. Over the next,” Illumina stated. “It can sequence tens of thousands of samples annually with high-quality,...

    3908 days ago

  • +8 more News

Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • The Breitbart lab

    Breitbart’s lab has created a new branch of biology called metagenomics in which one can sample and sequence genetic material collected from the environment. Breitbart lab is locat...

    4029 days ago



  • Metabolomics


    ...hensive and quantitative analysis of multiple metabolites in biological samples.  Metabolome is the complet...eted metabolomics aims to quantify a set of predefined metabolites in a sample.  Untargeted (sometimes term...

    3852 days ago

  • Metagenomics


    Metagenomics is the study of genetic material from environmental samples to characterize and identify the millions of microbes from these samples. Example: Gut microbiome, s...

    3850 days ago


  • Job-search and other career-related SAMPLE letters #Sample #Letter #Study #PostDoc #PhD #Jobs

    Tags: Sample, Letter, Study, PostDoc, PhD, Jobs

    3536 days ago

  • Know your age by blood sample #Blood #AI #Age #Sample

    Tags: Blood, AI, Age, Sample

    2643 days ago

  • +1 more Tags


  • Comment on "Calling variants in non-diploid systems"

    FreeBayes is widely used for calling variants in diploid systems. However, it can also be used for calling variants in pooled samples where the number of samples is not known. This is the exact sce...

    1190 days ago

  • Comment on "Platanus"

    ...hput data. It can handle highly heterozygotic samples. The following is the assemb...erged. If heterozygosity of the sample is high, large FLOAT may be...d. If heterozygosity of the sample is high, large FLOAT may be...

    2945 days ago

  • +3 more Comments