Results for "samtools"


  • List of popular bioinformatics software/tools

    In current genome era, our day to day work is to handle the huge geneome sequences, expression data, several other datasets. This link provide a comprehensive list of commonly used sofware/tools.

    3939 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Protocols Variant Detection (Advanced) Tutorial In this tutorial we compare the performance of three statistically-based variant detection tools:* SAMtools: Mpileup* GATK: Unified Genot...

    3646 days ago

  • Picard

    Picard is a set of command line tools for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. These file formats are defined in...

    2921 days ago

  • Samtools Primer !!

    SAMtools: Primer / Tutorial by Ethan Cerami, Ph.D.keywords: samtools, next-gen, next-generation, sequencing,...;     Updated to use samtools 1.1 and bcftools 1.2. &n...p;  Updated usage for bcftools.AboutSAMtools is a popular open-source tool...

    2866 days ago

  • vcfR

    Most variant calling pipelines result in files containing large quantities of variant information. The variant call format (vcf) is an increasingly popular for...

    2809 days ago

  • splitbam: splits a BAM by chromosomes

    ...M files if no sam record was found for a chromosome. A pair of 'mock' SAM-Records can also be added to those empty BAMs to avoid some tools (like samtools) to crash. Usage java -jar...

    2616 days ago

  • HTSlib

    Samtools is a suite of programs for interacting with It consists of three separate repositories: SamtoolsReading/writing/editing/indexi...r reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data Samtools and BCFtools both use HTSlib...

    2601 days ago

  • WGS Celera Assembler version 8.3rc2, version r1994), used by some modules of Celera Assembler, is included.  This distribution includes [ SAMtools], [

    2575 days ago

  • Circleator

    The Charm City Circleator--or Circleator for short--is a Perl-based visualization tool developed at the Institute for Genome Sciences in the University of Mary...

    2499 days ago

  • VCFtools: perform common tasks with VCF files such as file validation, file merging, intersecting, complements

    VCFtools contains a Perl API ( and a number of Perl scripts that can be used to perform common tasks with VCF files such as file validation, file merging, interse...

    2091 days ago