Results for "Selection"






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Wire posts

  • Might be possible that, natural selection(color) work in this aspect. #Selection #Migration #Population

    3911 days ago

  • Pool-seq #Pool-seq #aging #Evolution #Selection #snp

    3477 days ago

  • +2 more Wire posts


Opportunity posts

ResearchLabs posts

  • Przeworski lab

    Genetic differences among individuals reflect the combined effects of mutation, recombination, population history and natural selection. As a result, studies of natural variation can p...

    2993 days ago

  • Desai Lab

    ...Dynamics and Population Genetics Natural selection and other evolutionary forces...dynamics and population genetics of natural selection in asexual populations such a...cs, particularly in situations where natural selection is pervasive. http://desai...

    2926 days ago


  • Evolution and Cancer, ultimately killing the host. From the point of view of the cancer-causing somatic cell population, this is evolution driven by mutation and selection. Genomics has resulted in a p...

    3863 days ago


  • Downloading GATK ! CollectHsMetrics (Picard) Collects hybrid-selection (HS) metrics for a SAM or BAM...card) Designs oligonucleotide baits for hybrid selection reactions. BwaMemIndexIm...

    2066 days ago

  • Get the Linux system information ! \ --msgbox "$result" 0 0 } while true; do exec 3>&1 selection=$(dialog \ --backtitle "...echo "Program aborted." >&2 exit 1 ;; esac case $selection in 1 ) result=$(e...

    939 days ago


  • Katju Lab

    TheLab seek to understand the genetic factors contributing to genomic variation and phenotypic diversity. To this end, we employ molecular and bioinformatic tools to study evolutionary processes at the level of populations, both experimental and natural, and genomes. Our research interests enco...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Duplication, Genome, Gene, Function, Population, NGS, Sequences, CNV, Selection

    2982 days ago

  • Genome Stability Laboratory

    The bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an ideal model organism to understand mechanisms of meiotic chromosome segregation. In S. cerevisiae and in mammals, the majority of meiotic crossovers are formed through a highly conserved MSH4p-MSH5p, MLH1p-MLH3p dependent pathway. We are interested...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, CrossOver, Recombination, Gene, Function, Genome, NGS, Sequences, CNV, Selection

    2972 days ago

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