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  • Jit bookmarked Platanus 3169 days ago
    Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data. The latest version is 1.2.4. To cite Platanus, please use the...
    • Jit 3054 days ago
      Platanus README
      ***** VERSION *****
      ***** DESCRIPTION *****
       Platanus is a de novo assembler designed to assemble high-throughput data.
      It can handle highly heterozygotic samples. The following is the assembly
      outline. First, it constructs contigs using the algorithm based on de Bruijn
      graph. Second, the order of contigs is determined according to paired-end
      (mate-pair) data and constructs scaffolds. Finally, paired-end reads localized
      on gaps in scaffolds are assembled and gaps are closed.
      ***** REQUIREMENTS *****
      GCC (version >= 4.4)
      ***** INSTALLATION *****
      > tar xzfv Platanus_<version>.tar.gz
      > cd Platanus_<version>
      > make
      > cp platanus <installation_path>
      The command of c++ compiler can be specified by editing "CXX" in Makefile.
      #CXX = g++
      CXX = g++44
      ***** SYNOPSIS *****
      > platanus assemble -f PE.fa 2>ass_log.txt
      > platanus scaffold -c out_contig.fa -b out_contigBubble.fa -ip1 PE.fa 2>sca_log.txt
      > platanus gap_close -c out_scaffold.fa -ip1 PE.fa 2>gap_log.txt
      ***** USAGE *****
          -t INT    : Number of threads (<= 100, default 1)
          -o STR    : Prefix of output files (default out, length <= 200)
          -tmp DIR  : directory for temporary files (default . (working directory))
      platanus assemble [OPTIONS] 2>log
          Constructs contigs using the algorithm based on de Bruign graph.
          -f FILE1 [FILE2 ...]: Reads file (fasta or fastq format, number <= 100)
                                The file format is automatically detected.
                                Quality values are not used.
          -k INT  : Initial k-mer size (default 32)
                    For low-coverage data, small INT is recommended. 
          -s INT  : Step size of k-mer extension (>= 1, default 10)
                    Smaller INT increase time and may enhance accuracy of contigs.
          -n INT  : Initial k-mer coverage cutoff (default 0, 0 means auto)
                    When "-n 0", the value depends on k-mer occurrence distribution.
                    If k-mer occurrence distribution is abnormal (Ex. contaminated,
                    transcriptome, metagenome, and so on), the value should be set
          -c INT  : Minimum k-mer coverage (default 2)
                    Through assembly, k-mer size increases and coverage cutoff
                    decreases. The coverage cutoff does not fall below INT.
          -a FLOAT: K-mer extension safety level (default 10.0)
                    Smaller FLOAT increases the final k-mer size. If you want to extend
                    contigs at the cost of accuracy, set small FLOAT (Ex. -a 5.0).
          -u FLOAT: Maximum difference for bubble crush (identity, default 0.1)
                    Larger FLOAT increases the number of bubbles merged. If
                    heterozygosity of the sample is high, large FLOAT may be
                    suitable (Ex. -u 0.2).
          -d FLOAT: Maximum difference for branch cutting (coverage ratio, default 0.5)
                    Smaller FLOAT increase the accuracy. If error rate is low, small
                    FLOAT may be suitable (Ex. -d 0.3).
          -m INT  : Memory limit (GB, >= 1, default 16)
                    Programs attempt to make memory usage smaller than INT(GB).
                    If memory usage exceed the limit, programs warn but continue.
          OUTPUT FILES
          PREFIX_contig.fa      : assembled contiguous sequences
          PREFIX_contigBubble.fa: merged and removed bubble sequences
          PREFIX_kmerFrq.tsv    : occurrence distribution of k-mers(k is specified by -k option)
      platanus scaffold [OPTIONS] 2>log
           Map paired-end (mate-pair) reads on contigs, determine the order of contigs
          and construct scaffolds.
          -c FILE1 [FILE2 ...]               : Contig_file (fasta format)
                                               String "cov" in title lines are
                                               detected and following numbers are
                                               used as coverage. Even if a title
                                               does not consits of string "cov",
                                               Platanus can process the file.
                                               Ex. out_contig.fa
          -b FILE1 [FILE2 ...]               : Bubble_seq_file (fasta format)
                                               Ex. out_contigBubble.fa
          -ip{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : Lib_id inward_pair_file (reads in 1 file, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -ip1 lib1.fa
          -IP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : Lib_id inward_pair_files (reads in 2 files, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -IP1 lib1_1.fa lib1_2.fa
          -op{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : Lib_id outward_pair_file (reads in 1 file, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -op1 lib1.fa
          -OP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : lib_id outward_pair_files (reads in 2 files, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -OP1 lib1_1.fa lib1_2.fa
                                               The file format is automatically detected.
                                               see "***** NOTE ***** Paired-end (Mate-pair) input" below
          -n{INT} INT:  Lib_id Minimum_insert_size
                        Platanus automatically estimates insert size of each library.
                        If a library consists of many short-insert pairs (junks),
                        the insert size will be underestimated. Pairs in the library
                        (Lib_id=INT1) that infer short insert size (< INT2) are
                        discarded and estimated insert size must be > INT2.
          -a{INT} INT : lib_id average_insert_size
                        Fixed average insert size (INT) is used instead of auto estimation.
          -d{INT} INT : lib_id SD_insert_size
                        Fixed SD of insert size (INT) is used instead of auto estimation.
          -s INT      : Mapping seed length (default 32)
                        Seed length must be larger than reads length. Smaller INT
                        decrease speed.
          -v INT      : Minimum overlap length (default 32)
                        If adjacent contigs have overlap (length >= INT) and properly
                        close to each other, the contigs are joined.
          -l INT      : Minimum number of link (default 3)
                        Platanus first estimates the threshold of link (number) and
                        makes scaffolds, then decreases the threshold to INT and
                        extends scaffolds.
          -u FLOAT    : Maximum difference for bubble crush (identity, default 0.1)
                        Larger FLOAT increases the number of bubbles merged. If
                        heterozygosity of the sample is high, large FLOAT may be
                        suitable (Ex. -u 0.2).
          OUTPUT FILES
          PREFIX_scaffold.fa          : assembled sequences that include gaps('N's mean gaps)
          PREFIX_scaffoldBubble.fa    : removed bubble sequences
          PREFIX_scaffoldComponent.tsv: the information about composition of scaffolds
                                        (i.e. which contigs constitute a scaffold)
      platanus gap_close [OPTIONS] 2>log
           Map paired-end(mate-pair) reads on scaffolds, assemble reads localized on
          gaps and close gaps.
          -c FILE1 [FILE2 ...]               : Scaffold_file (fasta format)
                                               Ex. out_scaffold.fa
          -ip{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : Lib_id inward_pair_file (reads in 1 file, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -ip1 lib1.fa
          -IP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : Lib_id inward_pair_files (reads in 2 files, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -IP1 lib1_1.fa lib1_2.fa
          -op{INT} PAIR1 [PAIR2 ...]         : Lib_id outward_pair_file (reads in 1 file, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -op1 lib1.fa
          -OP{INT} FWD1 REV1 [FWD2 REV2 ...] : lib_id outward_pair_files (reads in 2 files, fasta or fastq)
                                               Ex. -OP1 lib1_1.fa lib1_2.fa
                                               The file format is automatically detected.
                                               see "***** NOTE ***** Paired-end (Mate-pair) input" below
          -s INT  : Mapping seed length (default 32)
                    Seed length must be larger than reads length. Smaller INT
                    decrease speed.
          -v INT  : Minimum overlap length (default 32)
                    Smaller INT increase the number of gaps closed (Ex. -v 20).
          -e FLOAT: Maximum error rate of overlap (identity, default 0.05)
                    Larger FLOAT increase the number of gaps closed (Ex. -e 0.1).
          OUTPUT FILE
          PREFIX_gapClosed.fa: gap-closed scaffold sequences
      ****** NOTE ******
      Paired-end (Mate-pair) input
           "platanus scaffold" and "platanus gap_close" require Paired-end (Mate-pair)
          libraries. Paired-end libraries are classified into "Inward-pair" and
          "Outward-pair" according to the sequence direction.
           Libraries that have the same insert size are given the same Lib_id (INT).
          Inward-pair data (often called "Paired-end", accepted in options "-ip" or "-IP"):
              FWD --->
               5' -------------------- 3'
               3' -------------------- 5'
                                  <--- REV
          Outward-pair data (often called "Mate-pair", accepted in options "-op" or "-OP"):
                                  ---> REV
               5' -------------------- 3'
               3' -------------------- 5'
              FWD <---
              Inward-pair(Insert = 300bp, reads in 1 file): PE300_1_pair.fa PE300_2_pair.fa
              Inward-pair(Insert = 500bp, reads in 1 file): PE500_pair.fa
              Outward-pair(Insert = 2kbp, reads in 2 files) : MP2k_fwd.fa MP2k_rev.fa
              -ip1 PE300_1_pair.fa PE300-2_pair.fa \
              -ip2 PE500_pair.fa \
              -OP3 MP2k_fwd.fa MP2k_rev.fa
      ***** AUTHOR *****
      Rei Kajitani at the Tokyo Institute of Technology wrote key source codes.
  • This useful repository contains the files from the course in de novo assembly https://github.com/lexnederbragt/denovo-assembly-tutorial
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