Geetanjali Rajput |
Hi BOL community, I, Geetanjali, recently completed Msc in bioinformatics. I would like to know more about job offers in Bioinformatics. Please help. |
Anjana |
I am using this perl code right nowadays. |
Shruti Paniwala |
I am doing megablast of a contig against NR database, but unable to understand this -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids qstart qend sstart send qseq sseq evalue length' Can you please help me to undestand all these. |
Nishi Singh |
Until there is a radical change in the way that academic credit is given, the principal record of scientific research is still the peer-reviewed publication. Given that software is a fundamental part of doing science in the digital age, the question we are often asked is: where can I publish papers which are primarily focused on my scientific software? |
Anjana |
Is there any database exists which provides RNAseq data for different cancers stages? |
Jit |
I run SatsumaSynteny on my server using following command: [jit@hm satsuma-code-0]$ ./SatsumaSynteny -q Genome/renamedG.fa -t Genome/genome_v4.fasta -o Genome/OutFile -m 128 -ni 10 -n 256 -chain_only But it kill the program with followng error: ./SatsumaSynteny: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./SatsumaSynteny) Can anyone please help to resolve this. My server detail: [jit@hm satsuma-code-0]$ lscpu |
Priya Singh |
Is there any easiest known way to extract organism's chromosome length? |
Poonam Mahapatra |
I received a new genome to annotated. I need your help to quickly count the occurance of all the letters in fasta file. |
Nadia Baig |
i have downloaded sra file and converted into paired end FastQ having following headers: @HWUSI-EAS754_0001:4:1:5605:1034#GCCAT The head and tail of file are as follow Head: ==> ERR042057_1.fastq <==
How to determine the @RG ?
I'm using the following command to add @RG tag: java -jar picard.jar AddOrReplaceReadGroups I=input.bam O=output.bam RGID=? RGLB=? RGPL=illumina RGPU=? RGSM=?
What should be the @RG tags values for following parameters: RGID=? RGLB=? RGPL=illumina RGPU=? RGSM=? The link for SRA data is :[accn
Thankyou in advance