- Merfin, a k-mer based variant-filtering algorithm for improved accuracy in genotyping and genome assembly polishing. Merfin evaluates each variant based on the expected k-mer multiplicity in the reads, independently of the quality of the... - R Shiny is one of the easiest ways for developers to make production-ready dashboards when speed and functionality are crucial. Shiny is approachable with a lot of documentation available, and because of this, a lot of developers/researchers... - The completed regions include all centromeric satellite arrays, recent segmental duplications, and the short arms of all five acrocentric chromosomes, unlocking these complex regions of the genome to variational and functional studies. - By taking a comprehensive and careful approach to deep learning based on critical thinking about research questions, planning to maintain rigor, and discerning how work might have far-reaching consequences with ethical dimensions, the life science... - This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer count databases and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovB / (CovA +... - Perform Alignment-free k-tuple frequency comparisons from sequences. This can be in the form of two input files (e.g. a reference and a query) or a single file for pairwise comparisons to be made. - GToTree is a user-friendly workflow for phylogenomics intended to give more researchers the capability to create phylogenomic trees. The open-access Bioinformatics Journal publication is available here, and documentation and examples can... - AnchorWave (Anchored Wavefront Alignment) identifies collinear regions via conserved anchors (full-length CDS and full-length exon have been implemented currently) and breaks collinear regions into shorter fragments, i.e., anchor and inter-anchor... - The GenomeTools genome analysis system is a free collection of bioinformatics tools (in the realm of genome informatics) combined into a single binary named gt. It is based on a C library named...