Nataša Pržulj Lab's research involves applications of graph theory, mathematical modeling, and computational techniques to solving large-scale problems in computational and systems biology.They are interested in computational and theoretical...
NEW DELHI-110067
Applications are invited for the position of Research Associate (RA) for the following time-bound sponsored project as per the details given below:
1. BTIS project entitled, “National...
The dearth of structural information on alpha helical membrane protein (MPs) has hindered thus far the development of reliable knowledge –based potentials that can be used for automatic prediction of... - Protein structures are of varying quality. Especially, in-silico modeled structures are prone to contain serious errors, which limit the usefulness and reliability of these particular protein structures.eQuant is a service for structure...
Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research. The center combines frontline technical expertise with advanced knowledge of translational medicine and... - STRUM is a method for predicting the fold stability change (ΔΔG) of protein molecules upon single-point nsSNP mutations. STRUM adopts a gradient boosting regression approch to train the Gibbs free-energy changes on a variety of features...
PhD student / Bio-informatician in computational protein modeling
Job Profile
You will perform research on drug/protein interaction analysis in the context of lung cancer, using computational protein modeling. You will implement existing models...
The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is a powerful bioinformatics program used to compare an input sequence (such as DNA, RNA, or protein sequences) against a database of sequences to find regions of similarity.
The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome evolution in primates.
Kelso Group
Department of...
Following are the list of In-silico Binding Site Prediction in Proteins tools
CASTp : Computed Atlas of Surface Topography of proteins (CASTp) provides an online resource for locating, delineating and...