- GeNeCK (Gene Network Construction Kit) is a comprehensive online tool kit that integrate various statistical methods to construct gene networks based on gene expression data and optional hub gene information.
It efficiently constructs gene... - PyParanoid is a pipeline for rapid identification of homologous gene families in a set of genomes - a central task of any comparative genomics analysis. The "gold standard" for identifying homologs is to use reciprocal best hits (RBHs) which depends... - This tutorial describes the usage of homologizer to phase gene copies into polyploid subgenomes. The tutorial is an abbreviated version of a soon-to-be published paper in Methods in Molecular Biology. Please see that paper for many more...
Using RNA-Guided Endonuclease (RGEN) technology or CRISPR/Cas9 genome engineering technology, CNIO and CNIC researchers have shown that it is possible to obtain such chromosomal translocations.
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts at Bioinformatics Centre (DIC), IT- BT Complex, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur.
1. Research Associate
Emoluments*:... - DRAGON: Database Referencing of Array Genes Online
SNOMAD: Standardization and Normalization of Microarray Data
SNPduo: SNP Analysis Between Two Individuals
SNPtrio: Analyzing and Visualizing and Inheritance Patterns in Trios
SNPscan: Data...
The real bioinformatics scope lies if there are research labs which work in this field. One has to take account of that. If so then try to get information of those labs and visit them to get a hang of the work they pursue. For detail...
Short-term training/Final year dissertation project
Candidates desirous of doing a short-term training / final year dissertation project for MSc (Life Sciences/Bioinformatics/Biotechnology or any science discipline) at UIAR Biophysics and...
Clinical Development Services Agency (CDSA) is an extramural unit of Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI), Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CDSA has a national mandate...