- GenoViz provides software applications and re-usable components for data visualization and data sharing in genomics. Our flagship product is Integrated Genome Browser (IGB).For more information about IGB, visit code for...
During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and sealing of the resulting recombined molecules happens. The “chromosomal breakpoints” refers to these places where they break. - Library of usual classes and functions written in python and used in the Dyogen team for comparative genomics applications.
Collaborative python library used in the DYOGEN teamfor studying the evolution of gene order in... - Sibelia: A comparative genomics tool: It assists biologists in analysing the genomic variations that correlate with pathogens, or the genomic changes that help microorganisms adapt in different environments. Sibelia will also be helpful for the...
Experience in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) application and interest in Genomics/ Clinical / Translational Applications. OR Good computational programming skills and deep interest in working on interface of Genomics and Clinical application.... - Description
LoVis4u is a bioinformatics tool for Loci Visualisation.
LoVis4u, a command-line tool and Python API designed for highly customizable and fast visualisation of multiple genomic loci. LoVis4u generates vector images in... - Orange Bioinformatics extends Orange, a data mining software package, with common functionality for bioinformatics. The provided functionality can be accessed as a Python library or through a visual programming interface (Orange Canvas). The latter...
Applications are invited for the following post of Junior Research Fellow (temporary position coterminous with the project) under DBT funded research project on ““Understanding the functions of α1β1γ1/α2β1γ1 selective AMPK Modulators in dissecting...
Applications are invited to appear at a walk-in-interview for one post of Junior Research Fellow in the DBT(DBT Twinning NER) sponsored project entitled “Protein folding kinetics is a selection force on shaping codon usage bias in the high...
The institute has evolved over the years into a multi-disciplinary research organization with stress on fundamental research in its pursuit of advancement of knowledge in Science and technology and at the same time developing highly competent and...