www.weizmann.ac.il - Due to several requests, we are releasing an assingment of orthologs, determined using the same methods used in Hezroni et al. (BLAST, Whole Genome Alignment (WGA), and synteny). One is comparing human GENCODE genes (from GENCODE v30) to lncRNAs...
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following posts at Bioinformatics Centre (DIC), IT- BT Complex, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur.
1. Research Associate
pevsnerlab.kennedykrieger.org - DRAGON: Database Referencing of Array Genes Online
SNOMAD: Standardization and Normalization of Microarray Data
SNPduo: SNP Analysis Between Two Individuals
SNPtrio: Analyzing and Visualizing and Inheritance Patterns in Trios
SNPscan: Data...
dbikard.github.io - https://dbikard.github.io/genomenotebook/
pip install genomenotebook
How to use
Create a simple genome browser with a search bar. The sequence appears when zooming in.
import genomenotebook as gn
Mitochondrial genome assembly tools are specialized software and algorithms designed to accurately reconstruct the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) from sequencing data, typically obtained through techniques like next-generation sequencing (NGS)....
Like in case of plant genomes where nature of genome is too complex and huge in size to accomplish complete de novo assembly by current sequencing technology. What would be alternate solution? Can we live in reference free world?
Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize Lecture given by Professor Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS on Tuesday 22 January 2013.
Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS is the Buchanan Chair of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh.
The human genome sequence has been...
Genome sequencing, analysis and expression of Alien genome.
Note: This image/cartoon is create only for fun. It has nothing to do with any scientific findings.
virology.uvic.ca - Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU) was designed to facilitate quick, efficient annotation of similar genomes using genomes that have already been annotated. For example, whenever a new strain of SARS coronavirus is sequenced, it is possible,...