- ComplexHeatmap (Gu, Eils, and Schlesner (2016)) is an R Programming Language (R Core Team (2020)) package that is currently listed in the Bioconductor package repository.
install and load required packages... - This section explains some of the commonly used file formats in bioinformatics. The information provided here is basic and designed to help users to distinguish the difference between different formats. Please refer user manual or other information... - Machine learning techniques have been successful in analyzing biological data because of their capabilities in handling randomness and uncertainty of data noise and in generalization. In this class, we will learn basics about probabilistic models... - A lesson introducing the Snakemake workflow system for bioinformatics analysis.
This is an intermediate lesson and assumes learners have already done some bioinformatics:
Familiarity with the BASH command shell, including...
Transcription is the process by which the information in DNA is copied into messenger RNA (mRNA) for protein production. Originally created for DNA Interactive ( ). TRANSCRIPT: The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: "DNA makes... - This is the course material for STAT115/215 BIO/BST282 at Harvard University.
Xiaole Shirley Liu (lead instructor)Joshua StarmerMartin HembergTing WangFeng Yue
Ming TangYang LiuJack KangScarlett GeJiazhen RongPhillip NicolMaartin De Vries
We... - Among life scientists, from clinicians to environmental researchers, a common theme is the need not just to use, and gain familiarity with, bioinformatics tools and resources but also to understand their underlying fundamental theoretical and...
Covenant University (CU)Ota:Covenant University (with her enriching and growing stateoftheart laboratories in the area of science and technology, arts, business and social sciences) is presently the Best University in...