- mosdepth can output:
per-base depth about 2x as fast samtools depth--about 25 minutes of CPU time for a 30X genome.mean per-window depth given a window size--as would be used for CNV calling.the mean per-region given a BED file of regions.a... - FastProNGS to integrate the quality control process with automatic adapter removal. Parallel processing was implemented to speed up the process by allocating multiple threads. Compared with similar up-to-date preprocessing tools, FastProNGS is by... - This package is intended to provide tools for the quality assessment of data produced by Oxford Nanopore’s MinION sequencer. It includes a functions to generate a number plots for examining the statistics that we think will be useful for this... - CoNvex Gap-cost alignMents for Long Reads (ngmlr) is a long-read mapper designed to sensitively align PacBilo or Oxford Nanopore to (large) reference genomes. It was designed to quickly and correctly align the reads, including those spanning... - Deepbinner is a tool for demultiplexing barcoded Oxford Nanopore sequencing reads. It does this with a deep convolutional neural network classifier, using many of the architectural advances that have proven successful in image classification. Unlike... - NanoSim, a fast and scalable read simulator that captures the technology-specific features of ONT data and allows for adjustments upon improvement of nanopore sequencing technology. The first step of NanoSim is read characterization, which provides... - medaka is a tool to create a consensus sequence from nanopore sequencing data. This task is performed using neural networks applied from a pileup of individual sequencing reads against a draft assembly. It outperforms graph-based methods...