F.No. 1(16)/2016-Admn. (DBT-BBSRC Project)
Research Associate /JRF Biotechnology Job vacancies in National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources on contract basis
Research Associate /01 Post
Essential: Ph.D. in Bioinformatics or 03 years research...
CDAC Pune Recruitment 2016 – Apply Online for Technical Positions: Department of Information Technology under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune...
Two project positions are available to work on (i) molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations and (ii) development of bioinformatics databases and tools at Protein Bioinformatics Lab, Department of Biotechnology, IIT Madras.
Duration :...
github.com - MFannot is a program for the annotation of mitochondrial and plastid genomes
MFannot is a program for the annotation of mitochondrial and plastid genomes. It is a PERL wrapper around a set of diverse, external independent tools.
It makes intense...
github.com - NucDiff locates and categorizes differences between two closely related nucleotide sequences. It is able to deal with very fragmented genomes, structural rearrangements and various local differences. These features make NucDiff to be perfectly...
csbl.bmb.uga.edu - dbCAN is a web server and DataBase for automated Carbohydrate-active enzyme ANnotation, funded by the BioEnergy Science Center of the DOE. Similar resources on the web include CAZy database and CAT. All...
github.com - ALPACA requires Celera Assembler 8.3 or later. It is recommended to build Celera Assembler from source. (Why? The pre-built binaries CA_8.3rc1 and CA8.3rc2 will work for any large data set.
Detail paper...
github.com - PERGA - Paired End Reads Guided Assembler
PERGA is a novel sequence reads guided de novo assembly approach which adopts greedy-like prediction strategy for assembling reads to contigs and scaffolds. Instead of using single-end reads to construct...
faculty.cse.tamu.edu - With increased availability of de novo assembly algorithms, it is feasible to study entire transcriptomes of non-model organisms. While algorithms are available that are specifically designed for performing transcriptome assembly from...