No. CSE/14/1038
Walk in Interview for the post of JRF under TEQIP-II
SN Department – Qualification Post Graduation – Time
1 Bio-Informatics & Mathematics M.Tech... - Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like...
We are seeking one motivated scientist to analyze genomics and transcriptomics data of a large collection of neuroblastoma tumors. The successful candidate will be part of a team of researchers with extensive expertise in genome cancer study. He/she... - jackalope simply and efficiently simulates (i) variants from reference genomes and (ii) reads from both Illumina and Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) platforms. It can either read reference genomes from FASTA files or simulate new ones. Genomic variants... - genome simulation across a population with zeta-distributed allele frequency, snps, insertions, deletions, and multi-nucleotide polymorphisms
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./mutatrix -S sample -P test/ -p 2 -n 10 reference.fasta - Your all-in-one solution for smooth conversion of sequence coordinates.
Designed for bioinformatics data analysis and daily laboratory work, SeqCAT simplifies sequence coordinate conversion. Extract gene and transcript information, manipulate...
Always remember there is always a solution to a problem. Most of the times there are at least three solutions. So, don’t just blame, suggest a solution.
RAST – Web tool (upload contigs), uses the subsystems in the SEED database and provides detailed annotation and pathway analysis. Takes several hours per genome but I think this is the best way to get a high quality annotation...