- Welcome to the one-day metagenomics assembly workshop. This tutorial will guide you through the typical steps of metagenome assembly and binning.
The Tutorial Data Set
FastQC Quality Control
Velvet Assembly
The purpose of this book is to give an introduction into statistics in order to solve some problems of bioinformatics. Statistics provides procedures to explore and visualize data as well as to test biological hypotheses. The book intends to be...
Frederick National Laboratory seeking an enthusiastic, creative, and seasoned bioinformatics professional to join our leadership team and direct the exceptional Bioinformatics Group at the Cancer Genomics Research Laboratory (CGR). CGR has a... - This books assumes that the reader has some knowledge of biology and basic understanding of the Unix command line. However, for the beginner, the appendix contains introductory material and tips/tricks for common bioinformatic problems, that is... - R Package to visualize alignments between two or multiple DNA sequences includinga number of functionalities to facilitate processing of alignments in PAF format.
SVbyEye, an open-source R package to visualize and annotate sequence-to-sequence... - visNetwork is an R package for network visualization, using vis.js javascript library ( All remarks and bugs are welcome on github :
Based... - plumber allows you to create a REST API by merely decorating your existing R source code with special comments. Take a look at an example.
# plumber.R
#* Echo back the input
#* @param msg The message to echo
#* @get /echo
function(msg=""){... - The PheWAS R package is designed to provide an accessible interface to the phenome wide association study. For a description of the methods available and some simple examples, please see the package vignette or the R documentation. For... - This guide is aimed at pet bioinformaticians, and is meant to guide them towards better career development.
1. Make friends with local bioinformatics groups 2. Talk to your computing group 3. Obtain clear expectations 4. Rewrite your job...