For our next PhD Program starting in October 2014 we are looking for exceptionally motivated PhD candidates with a keen interest in genomics and medicine and a strong interest to work in teams.
The 2014 CeMM PhD Program will focus on two thematic...
14 PhD positions in the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project PRECODE:
International training network which sets a joint research programme to train a new generation of leading scientists in model systems and methods for the development of...
We are seeking one motivated scientist to analyze genomics and transcriptomics data of a large collection of neuroblastoma tumors. The successful candidate will be part of a team of researchers with extensive expertise in genome cancer study. He/she...
Immediate opening for senior and lead bioinformatics engineers at MedGenome
Mandatory requirements
Knowledge of #Python,#PERL,#R (one or more) and shell environment (#linux )
Knowledge about database - #mysql, #oracle, #mongodb (one or...
Always remember there is always a solution to a problem. Most of the times there are at least three solutions. So, don’t just blame, suggest a solution.
In the Genomic Microbiology Group of Prof. Tal Dagan at the Institute
of Microbiology at Kiel University, Germany, a
Postdoc position (m/w/d)
in the field of computational evolutionary microbiology is available
for an initially limited...