Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Two postdoctoral positions (2 years with possible extensions up to 5 years) are available immediately in the...
Naegleria fowleri is a free living, universally distributed amoeba, which is mostly found in natural, stagnant, warm water bodies such as ponds, lakes, etc. It is also reported to be present even in indoor water bodies, such as swimming pools...
Bioinformatics demands more and ... lots more knowledge. In this case Ravan, a mythological character from the Ramayan, can only be a real bioinformatician. :) :P - FaBI emerged from the respective groups of the four founding societies GI (German Informatics Society), DECHEMA (Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology), GBM (Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) and GDCh (German Chemical... - Among life scientists, from clinicians to environmental researchers, a common theme is the need not just to use, and gain familiarity with, bioinformatics tools and resources but also to understand their underlying fundamental theoretical and...
RGCB Jobs 2020: RGCB released the recruitment notification to hire the candidates who completed B.Tech, M.Sc for 01 Bioinformatician Posts. The eligible candidates can apply for the post through online from 22-08-2020 to 08-09-2020. These selected...
Bio-IT World and Cambridge Healthtech Institute's fifth international Clinical Genomics & Informatics Europe conference will feature four main tracks on Clinical Exome Sequencing, High Scale Computing, Genome Informatics, and RNA-Seq and... - This course will provide a comprehensive introduction to fundamental concepts and experimental approaches in the analysis and interpretation of experimental genomics data. It will be structured as a series of lectures covering key concepts and...