PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST Pay Band: Minimum pay of `43,000 in the PB-4 of `37400-67000/- + RGP of `10,000/-.
Age: The candidates must not have attained the age of 52 years as on 24.03.2015. There shall be no age limit for... - Our team offers custom bioinformatics services to academic and private organizations. We have a strong academic background with a focus on cutting edge, open source software. We replicate standard analysis pipelines (best practices) when...
Walk-in interview will be held on 24-03-2015 at 10:00 AM at NRCPB, New Delhi for filling Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow positions as mentioned below. The positions are temporary and are initially offered for a period of one year.... - Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads (length > 10kb, accuracy > 99%). It can assemble a human genome from 30x reads within 20 cpu hours from reads to polished consensus. It uses Sparse HIereachical MimiMizER (SHIMMER)...
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics
National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health
Job Location
Bethesda, MD
Job Description
A... - This meeting's objective was to obtain a big picture look at the current state of the field of comparative genomics with a focus on commonalities across genomic investigations into humans, model organisms (both traditional and...
Bose Institute, Kolkata, invites online applications from Indian Citizens for recruitment of Research Associate (05 posts) under Institute Plan Programmes : Improvement of Plants : Biotechnological, Genomic and Proteomic Approaches (programme No. –...