The Ensembl browser provides viewable whole-genome alignments, homologues and phylogenetic gene trees, protein families, and ancestral sequences. Learn how to view and export these data in this video. - igvjs - a create-react-app with igv package from npm installed. the igv.js is instrumented to output "DONE" to the console when finished, and to have an increased fetchSizeLimit (which is otherwise git in CRAM longread tests)
jb2-web - stock... - Some of the useful bioinformatics scripts.
For example ... is a Perl script that will automatically describe features of a sequence assembly. - bacLIFE is a streamlined computational workflow that annotates bacterial genomes and performs large-scale comparative genomics to predict bacterial lifestyles and to pinpoint candidate genes, denominated lifestyle-associated genes (LAGs), and... - Chromosome number is a remarkably dynamic feature of eukaryotic evolution. Chromosome numbers can change by a duplication of the whole genome (a process termed polyploidy), or by single chromosome changes (ascending dysploidy via, e.g., chromosome...
Research Associate and JRF positions in the Structural and Computational Biology Group starting 1st March 2015. Collaborative projects include work on:
a) bioinformatics, systems and computational biology
b) malaria
c) drug discovery
Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize Lecture given by Professor Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS on Tuesday 22 January 2013.
Adrian Bird CBE FMedSci FRS is the Buchanan Chair of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh.
The human genome sequence has been...
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following temporary post in an ICMR funded Research Project entitle “An Investigation to find out reasons for Phenotypic Heterogeneity/Variability in 22q11.2 Microdeletion Syndrome” in...
Genome sequencing, analysis and expression of Alien genome.
Note: This image/cartoon is create only for fun. It has nothing to do with any scientific findings.