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  • bacLIFE: an automated genome mining tool for identification of lifestyle associated genes

bacLIFE: an automated genome mining tool for identification of lifestyle associated genes


bacLIFE is a streamlined computational workflow that annotates bacterial genomes and performs large-scale comparative genomics to predict bacterial lifestyles and to pinpoint candidate genes, denominated lifestyle-associated genes (LAGs), and biosynthetic gene clusters associated with each lifestyle detected. This whole process is divided into different modules:

  • Clustering module Predicts, clusters and annotates the genes of every input genome
  • Lifestyle prediction Employs a machine learning model to forecast bacterial lifestyle or other specified metadata
  • Analitical module (Shiny app) Results from the previous modules are embedded in a user-friendly interface for comprehensive and interactive comparative genomics.

You can find the complete wiki here [https://github.com/Carrion-lab/bacLIFE/wiki/bacLIFE-wiki]