- An ultra–high-performance protein–protein docking software for heterogeneous supercomputers
Summary: The application of protein–protein docking in large-scale interactome analysis is a major challenge in structural bioinformatics... - Minialign is a little bit fast and moderately accurate nucleotide sequence alignment tool designed for PacBio and Nanopore long reads. It is built on three key algorithms, minimizer-based index of the minimap overlapper, array-based seed chaining,... - EAGLER is a scaffolding tool for long reads. The scaffolder takes as input a draft genome created by any NGS assembler and a set of long reads. The long reads are used to extend the contigs present in the NGS draft and possibly join overlapping... - A comparative genome scaffolding tool based on MUMmer
mScaffolder scaffolds a genome using an existing high quality genome as the reference. It aligns the two genomes using nucmer utility from MUMmer and then orders and orients the contigs of the...
Research in our group focuses on the investigation of the signals involved in gene specification in genomic sequences (promoter elements, splice sites, translation initiation sites, etc…). We are interested both in the mechanism of their recognition... - Long read alignment analysis. Generate a reports on sequence alignments for mappability vs read sizes, error patterns, annotations and rarefraction curve analysis. The most basic analysis only requires a BAM file, and outputs a web browser...
NEW DELHI 110012
Applications are invited for the posts of one Junior
Research Fellow and one RA in the DBT funded project entitled “ Plant parasitic nematode genome informatics -... - An error correction method that uses long reads only. The method consists of two phases: first, we use an iterative alignment-free correction method based on de Bruijn graphs with increasing length of k-mers, and second, the corrected reads are...