Gagneur lab at Gene Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany
Deadline for applications : January 15, 2014.
Description :
We seek a talented and motivated post-doc to develop computational methods for inferring the molecular... - The MetaGraph framework is designed to work with a wide range of input data sets, indexing from a few samples up to the contents of entire archives with hundreds of thousands of records. The indexing workflow always follows the same principle,...
Only bioinformatician can understand that multiplication and division are different but same thing :)
Disclaimer: This cartoon is solely designed to create humour and fun, not to offend any computer experts. - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ...
Hidden Markov Models, the Viterbi Algorithm, and CpG Islands (in VB6)
Problem :
The CG island is a stretch of DNA (usually longer than 200 bases) in which the frequency of the CG sequence is higher than other regions. It is also called the CpG... - Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene...
The main subject of interest in our laboratory is the study of the relationship among sequence, structure, and function in proteins and nucleic acids. Our research can be divided in two major topics:
the study of the sequence-structure...
Predicting the structure of protein–protein complexes using docking approaches is a difficult problem whose major challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes....
Gujarat State Biotechnology Mission invite applications [Online Only] under various projects* namely Gujarat Biodiversity Gene Bank (BioGene), Gujarat Institute of Genomics (GIG), Gujarat Institute of Bioinformatics [GIBS] and Gujarat Institute of... - GRIDSS is a module software suite containing tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements. GRIDSS includes a genome-wide break-end assembler, as well as a structural variation caller for Illumina sequencing data. GRIDSS calls variants...