As the cost of DNA sequencing has dropped, the volume of data produced has risen into the petabytes. Google is working with the genomics community to define a standard API for working with big genomic data sets in the cloud. Building on Google Cloud... - This tool extracts heterozygous kmer pairs from kmer count databases and performs gymnastics with them. We are able to disentangle genome structure by comparing the sum of kmer pair coverages (CovA + CovB) to their relative coverage (CovB / (CovA +...
Applications for Pre-selection of candidates under ‘Institutions Mode’ for DST-ISPIRE Faculty in Computational Biology/ Systems Biology/ Bioinformatics
Applications are invited for pre-selection of candidates for Ministry of Science and...
The IPython Notebook is a web-based interactive computational environment where you can combine code execution, text, mathematics, plots and rich media into a single document - Phylogenomic Analysis Pipeline for Herbarium Specimens
What is PhyloHerb: PhyloHerb is a wrapper program to process genome skimming data collected from plant materials. The outcomes include the plastid genome (plastome) assemblies,...
The Regular Expression are the sole of Perl language, and for bioinformatician it is just a magical stick to resolve gingatic string data. We did not find any good and user friendly regular expression cheat sheet, hence write our own cheat...
Ever since a monk called Mendel started breeding pea plants we've been learning about our genomes. In 1953, Watson, Crick and Franklin described the structure of the molecule that makes up our genomes: the DNA double helix. Then, in 2001, scientists...
Applications are invited along with complete bio-data and attested copies of certificates of qualifications, experience etc. for the one post of Research...