- IVA (Iterative Virus Assembler) designed specifically for read pairs sequenced at highly variable depth from RNA virus samples. We tested IVA on datasets from 140 sequenced samples from human immunodeficiency virus-1 or influenza-virus-infected... - SciLifeLab is a national center for molecular biosciences with focus on health and environmental research.
Old courses (2012-2014)
Metagenomics Workshop
2015 November - Uppsala2016 November - Uppsala2017 November - Uppsala
Introduction... - Convenient conversions between genome assemblie. The liftover package makes it easy to remap genomic coordinates to a different genome assembly.
More at... - Trinity, developed at the Broad Institute and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, represents a novel method for the efficient and robust de novo reconstruction of transcriptomes from RNA-seq data. Trinity combines three independent software modules:... - Rreference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly (RACA), an algorithm to reliably order and orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal fragments using comparative genome information and paired-end... - DISCOVAR is a new variant caller and DISCOVAR de novo a new genome assembler, both designed for state-of-the-art data. Their inputs are chosen to optimize quality while keeping costs low. Currently it takes as input Illumina reads of length 250 or... - Tools for making blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Coverage plots (TAGC plots) to visualise the contents of genome assembly data sets as a QC step
Blaxter Lab, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh
Goal: To create blobplots or... - SWALO (scaffolding with assembly likelihood optimization) is a method for scaffolding based on likelihood of genome assemblies computed using generative models for sequencing.
Git repository of SWALO is at... - Ultimate tool for resolving repeats in genome assemblies.
Though the specific implementation of the idea of the rectangle graph approach is already included into the current SPAdes distribution, we're also releasing the Rectangle Graph Module...