A study led by University of Utah scientists is the first to find a genetic cause for the adaptation, a single DNA base pair change that dates back 8,000 years and demonstrate how it contributes to the Tibetans' ability to live in low oxygen...
During recombination, the precise breakage of each strand, exchange between the strands, and sealing of the resulting recombined molecules happens. The “chromosomal breakpoints” refers to these places where they break.
Complete, accurate replication of the genome is essential for life. All chromosomes in eukaryotic cells must be duplicated and then segregated to daughter cells to ensure genetic integrity and produce the large number of cells that make up a...
cloud.google.com - Explore genetic variation interactively. Compare entire cohorts in seconds with SQL-like queries. Compute transition/transversion ratios, genome-wide association, allelic frequency and more.
Process big genomic data easily. Run batch analyses...
www.stackage.org - The Bio.SeqLoc modules in seqloc are designed to represent positions and locations (ranges of positions) on sequences, particularly nucleotide sequences. My original motivation for writing these packages was handing the locations of genes in...
Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...
Job Description: Bioinformatics postdoc positions are available in the area of genomics with main focus on exome and RNAseq technologies by ultra high-throughput sequencing platforms. Successful applicants should have the following qualities:
github.com - MetaPred2CS Web server is a meta-predictor based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) that combines 6 individual sequence based protein-protein interaction prediction methods to predict prokaryotic two-component...
github.com - In a nutshell
Anvi’o is an analysis and visualization platform for ‘omics data.
Please find the methods paper here: https://peerj.com/articles/1319/
Anvi’o would not have been possible without the help of many people who...