- Perform Alignment-free k-tuple frequency comparisons from sequences. This can be in the form of two input files (e.g. a reference and a query) or a single file for pairwise comparisons to be made. - Typically in comparative genomics, we can identify anchors, chain them into syntenic blocks and interpret these blocks as derived from a common descent. However, when comparing two genomes undergone ancient genome duplications (plant genomes in... - HISAT2 is a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing reads (both DNA and RNA) to a population of human genomes (as well as to a single reference genome). Based on an extension of BWT for... - Gblocks eliminates poorly aligned positions and divergent regions of a DNA or protein alignment so that it becomes more suitable for phylogenetic analysis. This server implements the most important features of the Gblocks program to make its... - Variation graphs provide a succinct encoding of the sequences of many genomes. A variation graph (in particular as implemented in vg) is composed of:
nodes, which are labeled by sequences and ids
edges, which connect two nodes via either of... - Orthology relations can be used to transfer annotations from one gene (or protein) to another. Hence, detecting orthology relations has become an important task in the post-genomic era. Various genomic events, such as duplication and horizontal gene... - STELLAR is very practical and fast on very long sequences which makes it a suitable new tool for finding local alignments between genomic sequences under the edit distance model. Binaries are freely available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X... - FGENESH is the fastest (50-100 times faster than GenScan) and most accurate gene finder available - see the figure and the table below. In recent rice genome sequencing projects, it was cited "the most successful (gene finding) program (Yu et...
How to download FASTA sequence for certain gene features while in the NCBI's Sequence Viewer.
Sequence Viewer homepage:
Sequence Viewer playlist: - Platanus is a novel de novo sequence assembler that can reconstruct genomic sequences of highly heterozygous diploids from massively parallel shotgun sequencing data.
The latest version is 1.2.4.
To cite Platanus, please use the...