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#Find the reverse complement of a DNA string.#Given: A DNA string Pattern.#Return: Pattern, the reverse complement of Pattern.use strict;use warnings;my $string="AAAACCCGGT";my $finalString="";my %hash...
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Script are moved to - This is a collection of libraries and high-quality end-user scripts for bioinformatic analysis, including working with gene annotation, collecting data scores from a variety of modern file formats, and conversion between file formats. The... - Simple ideogram plotting and annotation in R.
Basic usage:
Rscript Ideoplot.R --heatmap hm.bed --annotate annotations.bed --out ideogram.pdf -or- Rscript Ideoplot.R --annotate annotations.bed
--ideobed, i A bed file of reference...
Python Programming is a general purpose programming language that is open source, flexible, powerful and easy to use. One of the most important features of python is its rich set of utilities and libraries for data processing and analytics...
The goal of the lab is to understand mammalian genomes using comparative genomic and epigenomic analyses. Areas of interest include: the evolution of regulatory sequences, the role of transposable elements in gene regulation and the impact of genome...
The human genome project and similar projects in disease-causing organisms such as Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria in humans, have provided new tools for discovery in biology and have accelerated the development of understanding in human...
Bioinformatics PhD studentship available in New Zealand
The importance of transcriptional control has been explored in a burgeoning line of research over several decades; nevertheless, we are still far from having a complete picture of the...
Biologists estimate that there are about 5 to 100 million species of organisms living on Earth today. Evidence from morphological, biochemical, and gene sequence data suggests that all organisms on Earth are genetically related, and the genealogical...