www.healthcare.uiowa.edu - Added Command line argument support.
Multi-stage execution modes.
Support for parallelization. Now execution proceeds in batches of long reads the size of which can be set by --long_read_batch_size N.
Better compressed intermediate files.
The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is a powerful bioinformatics program used to compare an input sequence (such as DNA, RNA, or protein sequences) against a database of sequences to find regions of similarity.
github.com - Typically in comparative genomics, we can identify anchors, chain them into syntenic blocks and interpret these blocks as derived from a common descent. However, when comparing two genomes undergone ancient genome duplications (plant genomes in...
zpicture.dcode.org - zPicture is a dynamic alignment and visualization tool that is based on blastz alignment program utilized by PipMaker. zPicture alignments can be automatically submitted to rVista 2.0 to identify conserved transcription factor binding...
github.com - LAMSA (Long Approximate Matches-based Split Aligner) is a novel split alignment approach with faster speed and good ability of handling SV events. It is well-suited to align long reads (over thousands of base-pairs).
LAMSA takes takes the...
qualimap.bioinfo.cipf.es - Qualimap 2 is a platform-independent application written in Java and R that provides both a Graphical User Inteface (GUI) and a command-line interface to facilitate the quality control of alignment sequencing data and its derivatives like...
github.com - Cactus is a reference-free whole-genome multiple alignment program. The principal algorithms are described here: https://doi.org/10.1101/gr.123356.111
Cactus uses substantial resources. For primate-sized genomes (3 gigabases each), you should...
github.com - The wavefront alignment (WFA) algorithm is an exact gap-affine algorithm that takes advantage ofhomologous regions between the sequences to accelerate the alignment process. As opposed to traditional dynamic programming algorithms that run in...
bioinformatics.um6p.ma - AlignStatPlot, a new R package and online tool that is well-documented and easy-to usefor MSA and post-MSA analysis. This tool performs both traditional and cutting-edge analy-ses on sequencing data and generates new visualisation methods for MSA...