www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov - VGSC, the Vector Graph toolkit of genome Synteny and Collinearity, and its online service, to visualize the synteny and collinearity in the common graphical format, including both raster (JPEG, Bitmap, and PNG) and vector graphic (SVG, EPS, and...
They are using the latest DNA sequencing technology to read the genetic makeup of cancer cells within tumours in ever greater detail, teasing out patterns of evolution (evolutionary rule books), cancer heterogeneity and working out what changes have...
bioinformaticsdotca.github.io - In this lab we will perform de novo genome assembly of a bacterial genome. You will be guided through the genome assembly starting with data quality control, through to building contigs and analysis of the results. At the end of the lab you will...
github.com - Darwin-WGA, is the first hardware accelerator for whole genome alignment and accelerates the gapped filtering stage. Darwin-WGA also employs GACT-X, a novel algorithm used in the extension stage to align arbitrarily long genome sequences using a...
github.com - Alonge M, Soyk S, Ramakrishnan S, Wang X, Goodwin S, Sedlazeck FJ, Lippman ZB, Schatz MC: Fast and accurate reference-guided scaffolding of draft genomes. bioRxiv 2019.
RaGOO is a tool for coalescing genome assembly contigs into...
github.com - The first and the only pre-alignment filtering algorithm that works efficiently and fast on modern CPU, FPGA, and GPU architectures. SneakySnake greatly (by more than two orders of magnitude) expedites sequence alignment calculation for both short...
github.com - This repository contains the scripts and pipeline that reproduces the results of the HCMV benchmarking study. In this study we evaluated genome assemblers and variant callers on 10 in vitro generated, mixed strain HCMV sequence samples, each...
chlorobox.mpimp-golm.mpg.de - OrganellarGenomeDRAW converts annotations in the GenBank or EMBL/ENA format into graphical maps. The input has to be a GenBank or EMBL/ENA flat file wherase the output can vary among several types of files....
github.com - Generate unique k-mers for every contig in a FASTA file.
Unique k-mer is consisted of k-mer keys (i.e. ATCGATCCTTAAGG) that are only presented in one contig, but not presented in any other contigs (for both forward and reverse strands).
This tool...