- Leaflet is one of the most popular open-source JavaScript libraries for interactive maps.
Interactive panning/zooming
Compose maps using arbitrary combinations of:
Map... - DendroPy is a Python library for phylogenetic computing. It provides classes and functions for the simulation, processing, and manipulation of phylogenetic trees and character matrices, and supports the reading and writing of phylogenetic data in a... - The Docker image is available at Supplementary information on benchmarking procedure as well as test data are publicly accessible at the project documentation... - Seven Bridges is the biomedical data analysis company accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research for cancer, drug development and precision medicine. We build self-improving systems to analyze millions of genomes, including the Graph... - scikit-bio is currently in beta. We are very actively developing it, and backward-incompatible interface changes can and will arise. To avoid these types of changes being a surprise to our users, our public APIs are decorated to make it clear... - The modelStudio package automates the explanation of machine learning predictive models. This package generates advanced interactive and animated model explanations in the form of a serverless HTML site.
It... - GROMACS is a versatile package to perform molecular dynamics, i.e simulate the Newtonian equations of motion for systems with hundreds to millions of particles. GROMACS is able to work with many biochemical molecules like proteins, lipids and... - The Snakemake Wrapper Repository is a collection of reusable wrappers that allow to quickly use popular tools from Snakemake rules and workflows.
More at - This website presents examples, documents and resources on data mining with R. Documents on using R for data mining are available to download for non-commercial personal use, including R Reference card for Data Mining, R and Data Mining:...