- Progressive Cactus is a whole-genome alignment package.
Distribution package for the Prgressive Cactus multiple genome aligner. Dependencies are linked as submodules - The following is a step-by-step guide to creating your own R package. Even beyond this course, youmay find this useful for storing functions you create for your own research or for editing existingR packages to suit your needs.
This guide... - The dupRadar package gives an insight into the duplication problem by graphically relating the gene expression level and the duplication rate present on it. Thus, failed experiments can be easily identified at a glance - Regioner is an R package for the management and comparison of genomic regions. It offers a set of function for basic manipulation of region sets extending the functionality of GenomicRanges and a powerful and customizable permutation test framework.... - The modelStudio package automates the explanation of machine learning predictive models. This package generates advanced interactive and animated model explanations in the form of a serverless HTML site.
It... - GeneMates is an R package implementing a network approach to identify horizontal gene co-transfer (HGcoT) between bacteria using whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. It is particularly useful for investigating intra-species HGcoT, where... - ReConPlot (REarrangement and COpy Number PLOT), an R package that provides functionalities for the joint visualization of SCNAs and SVs across one or multiple chromosomes. ReConPlot is based on the popular ggplot2 package, thus allowing... - In current genome era, our day to day work is to handle the huge geneome sequences, expression data, several other datasets. This link provide a comprehensive list of commonly used sofware/tools.
List of generic simulation software/tools/resource with brief description and homepage
ALF A Simulation Framework for Genome Evolution Serial SimCoal Bayesian Serial SimCoal, (BayeSSC) is a modification of... - DRAGON: Database Referencing of Array Genes Online
SNOMAD: Standardization and Normalization of Microarray Data
SNPduo: SNP Analysis Between Two Individuals
SNPtrio: Analyzing and Visualizing and Inheritance Patterns in Trios
SNPscan: Data...