www.h-invitational.jp - G-compass (http://www.h-invitational.jp/g-compass/) is a comparative genome browser. It visualizes evolutionarily conserved genomic regions between human and other 12 vertebrates based on original genome alignments pursuing higher coverage (1,2)....
sourceforge.net - GenomeView is a genome browser and annotation editor that displays reference sequence, annotation, multiple alignments, short read alignments and graphs. Most major data formats are supported. Local and internet files can be loaded.This project has...
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence...
https://dfast.nig.ac.jp/ - We developed a prokaryotic genome annotation pipeline, DFAST, that also supports genome submission to public sequence databases. DFAST was originally started as an on-line annotation server, and to date, over 7,000 jobs have been processed since its...
ftp.ncbi.nih.gov - Now a days there are a lots of genomics databases available around the world. This bookmark is created to provide all links in one place ...
jimb.stanford.edu - The Genome in a Bottle (GIAB) Consortium is a public-private-academic consortium hosted by NIST to develop the technical infrastructure (reference standards, reference methods, and reference data) to enable translation of whole human genome...
My main topics of interest are:
The impact of non tree-like evolution such as horizontal gene transfers and hybridization on species biology
Evolution and adaptation of animals in the absence of sexual reproduction and the underlying...
www.encodeproject.org - The ENCODE project uses Reference Genomes from NCBI or UCSC to provide a consistent framework for mapping high-throughput sequencing data. In general, ENCODE data are mapped consistently to 2 human (GRCH38, hg19) and 2 mouse...
The Vicoso group investigates how sex chromosomes evolve over time, and what biological forces are driving their patterns of differentiation.
The Vicoso group is interested in understanding several aspects of the biology of sex chromosomes, and...